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Англо-русский строительный словарь - camera


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Перевод с английского языка camera на русский

фотокамера, фотоаппарат небольшое помещение (со сводчатым потолком) сводчатая крыша; сводчатый потолок aerial camera borehole camera field camera horizon camera rectifying camera
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См. в других словарях

  камера – CCD camera – compact camera – color-video camera – digital camera – dockable camera – document camera – double-unit camera – electrostatic-tape camera – field camera – hand-held portable camera – high-definition camera – image-converter camera – image-tube camera – industrial TV camera – isolated camera – live camera – motion picture camera – night-sky camera – nonbroadcast video camera – n-sensor video camera – oscilloscope camera – photoemissive camera – radio camera – recording camera – rotary camera – single-chip camera – single-tube video camera – slow-scan camera – solid-state television camera – solid-state video camera – stereo camera – studio camera – telecine camera – television camera – three-color camera – TV-camera – video camera – video-photo camera ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) фотоаппарат, фотокамера 2) киноаппарат, кинокамера 3) телевизионная камера, телекамера 4) камера, небольшое помещение 5) строит. сводчатая крыша - TV camera cable - TV camera unit - X-ray camera - aerial camera - camera alignment - camera amplifier - camera base-line - camera booth - camera car - camera filter - camera monitor - camera tube - cine camera - color TV camera - film camera - folding camera - line-scan camera - load camera - miniature camera - moving-image camera - plate camera - process camera - reflex camera - reproduction camera - roll-film camera - satellite photographic camera - spectrograph camera - spring-device camera - streak camera - sub-miniature camera - substandard cine camera - television camera - underwater camera ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  камера; полость – scintillation camera ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. фотоаппарат, фотографический аппарат, фотокамера aerial (air, airborne) camera —- аэрофотокамера film camera —- пленочная фотокамера folding camera —- складная фотокамера reflex camera —- зеркальный фотоаппарат, зеркалка serial air survey camera, series camera —- автоматическая аэрофотокамера camera caricature —- фотокарикатура camera spotting —- ам. воен. фотозасечка взрывов camera gun —- воен. фотопулемет to level the camera at smth. —- направить фотоаппарат на что-л. 2. киноаппарат, кинокамера (также movie camera) camera! —- кин. "камера"! (команда о пуске киносъемочного аппарата) camera angle —- угол изображения, точка съемки, ракурс camera set-up —- установка съемочного аппарата camera recording —- киносъемка camera crew —- операторская группа съемочного коллектива 3. передающая телевизионная камера 4. спец. камера camera of projection —- проекционная (проецирующая) камера, проектор 5. физ. камера-обскура 6. кабинет судьи in camera —- в кабинете судьи, не в открытом судебном заседании; при закрытых дверях, без публики, без посторонних off camera —- в открытом заседании, при открытых дверях 7. стр. сводчатое помещение, свод ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  noun  1) фотографический аппарат  2) киноаппарат, кинокамера  3) tv камера  4) constr. сводчатое покрытие/помещение  6) leg. кабинет судьи - in camera - camera eye CAMERA eye amer. хорошая зрительная память ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) фотографический аппарат, фотоаппарат, фотокамера 2) киносъёмочный аппарат, киноаппарат, кинокамера 3) телевизионная передающая камера, телекамера 4) репродукционный фотоаппарат 5) камера (помещение) 6) архит. сводчатое покрытие 7) комната со сводчатым потолком 8) сейсмический осциллограф 9) каротажный фоторегистратор 10) рентгеновская камера to thread camera — заряжать киносъёмочный аппарат - accelerated motion-picture camera - aerial camera - aerophotographic camera - all-sky camera - amateur camera - animation camera - astrographic camera - astronomical camera - auto camera - autofocusing camera - autoprocess camera - background camera - ball camera - ballistic camera - battery-powered camera - bellows-type camera - bellows camera - bipack camera - blimped camera - borehole camera - box-type camera - box camera - broadcast camera - caption camera - cartographic camera - cartoon camera - cartridge loading camera - cartridge camera - cassette camera - CCD camera - cine camera - cinefluorographic camera - cinematographic X-ray recording camera - cineradiology camera - closed-circuit TV camera - close-up camera - cloud camera - 6x6 cm camera - collapsible camera - color camera - color-slide camera - color television camera - combination single film camera - compact-size camera - composite electronic and film camera - continuous-motion camera - copying camera - copy camera - darkroom camera - data-recording camera - Debye-Scherrer camera - deep-water camera - discontinuously writing camera - documentary camera - double-eight camera - double-extension camera - double-frame camera - drum camera - dual-gage camera - easily handled camera - EFP camera - electric-driven camera - electric camera - electric eye camera - electronic camera -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 an apparatus for taking photographs, consisting of a lightproof box to hold light-sensitive film, a lens, and a shutter mechanism, either for still photographs or for motion-picture film. 2 Telev. a piece of equipment which forms an optical image and converts it into electrical impulses for transmission or storage. Phrases and idioms camera obscura an internally darkened box with an aperture for projecting the image of an external object on a screen inside it. camera-ready Printing (of copy) in a form suitable for immediate photographic reproduction. in camera 1 Law in a judge's private room. 2 privately; not in public. on camera (esp. of an actor or actress) being filmed or televised at a particular moment. Etymology: orig. = chamber f. L camera f. Gk kamara vault etc. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Etymology: Late Latin, room — more at chamber  Date: 1712  1. the treasury department of the papal curia  2.  a. ~ obscura  b. a device that consists of a lightproof chamber with an aperture fitted with a lens and a shutter through which the image of an object is projected onto a surface for recording (as on film) or for translation into electrical impulses (as for television broadcast) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cameras) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A camera is a piece of equipment that is used for taking photographs, making films, or producing television pictures. Her gran lent her a camera for a school trip to Venice and Egypt. ...a video camera... They were caught speeding by hidden cameras. N-COUNT 2. If someone or something is on camera, they are being filmed. Just about anything could happen and we’ll be there to catch it on camera when it does. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, v-link PHR 3. If you do something or if something happens off camera, you do it or it happens when not being filmed. They were anything but friendly off-camera, refusing even to take the same lift. ...off-camera interviews. PHRASE: usu PHR after v, PHR n 4. If a trial is held in camera, the public and the press are not allowed to attend. (FORMAL) This morning’s appeal was held in camera... PHRASE: PHR after v ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 a piece of equipment used to take photographs or moving pictures 2 the part of the equipment used for making television pictures that changes images into electrical signals 3 in camera a law case that is held in camera takes place secretly or privately ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 16c., Mod.L. camera obscura "dark chamber," from L. camera "vaulted room," from Gk. kamara "vaulted chamber," from PIE base *kam- "to arch." Shortened to camera when modern photography began, 1840. Contrasted with camera lucida (L., "light chamber"), which uses prisms to produce an image on paper beneath the instrument, which can be traced. Camcorder is from 1982. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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